Archive for 2010


Step-Parenting - Set Good Standards

Step-Parenting - Set Good Standards

Adults need to set the standard. Modeling is an effective way of modifying some traits that may cause children problems. Instead of being quick to find fault may cause demonstrate the positive qualities they want the children to develop. For example, when a child wants things his or her way all the time, show how to resolve conflict. "You know o really like to eat lunch out Fridays, but today I'll lunch at home since grandma's coming to visit. It makes her happy to eat in our home."
Children who lack an adult role model, male or female, forfeit their opportunity to learn how to treat others. On birthdays and special occasions includes the children in buying gifts for spouse.
What better way for a young boy learns how to treat a wife in his own marriage. A wife may honor a special occasions serving her husband's favorite meal. Explain to the children why it's significant. Any positive result of such behavior examples may not be recognized in the children until years later. When they find themselves in similar situations. Than they will tend to handle their problems and relationships in the manner shown by their adult role models. Needless to say, negative behavior examples will result in negative outcomes.
A Real Family Spirit
The stepchild has not always been part of the current family situation. Not too long ago he or she was part of a traditional family, the two biological parents and living in a different household. After the divorce or death, the child become part of the single parent home, learning new experiences and usually taking on additional responsibilities. When the natural parent remarried, he or she became an instant stepchild with even more changes. If the child feels uncomfortable in the new surroundings, the process of building a relationship between stepchild and stepparent will be severely handicapped.
Family spirit can be the vaccine the miracle drug that enables families to overcome the inevitable conflicts and tensions which plague them. Family spirit develops only when family members identify with each other and with family as a whole. "But he's not our dad, how can we be a family?" or, "You're not my mother and I won't listen to you." A close step-family will not happen accidentally. The parents must promote it by stressing mutual acceptance, enjoyment, support, and consideration.
Three components are essential in the development of a pleasant, warm family atmosphere: shared activities, a sense of kinship, and family values. Where families spend a considerable amount of time together on common interests they will develop a sense of bonding together. For young children, have game time for a half hour after dinner. Let family members take turns selecting their favorite game, with a different game each evening. Family meal times which stress mutual sharing of experiences and enjoyment are also important. And include all family members in decisions which pertain to the whole family, such as vacations, major purchases, or weekend trips.


Five Top Questions Parents Ask in Regard to Their Learning Disabled Child

Five Top Questions Parents Ask in Regard to Their Learning Disabled Child

When a parent has a child who is diagnosed as learning disabled, many issues must be addressed. There are the emotional issues of how to discuss this with the child, issues regarding the child's learning skill deficiencies, and what parents as well as their teachers can do to help the child.
One of the issues that parents must address is how to talk to their child about the subject of their learning disability. Should they use the term "disability" when talking to their child, and if so, how do they explain it to their child without demoralizing him or her. What is the best approach to take? What words should be used?
A learning disabled child is a child who innately has an average to superior IQ but with serious learning skill deficiencies. Generally he is working two to two and half years below grade level. A learning disabled child is not a child who is mentally retarded but rather one who is learning deficient. These learning deficiencies can be taught. With the right kind of instruction, a learning disabled child can improve dramatically.
Parents should understand that there are four main categories of learning skills. They are visual perception, visual memory, auditory perception and auditory memory. Once a learning disabled child develops his learning skills along with his basic reading and mathematics skills, he will be able to work well in school at his true intellectual level.
Parents should explain to the child that he has certain learning and basic skills that are not well developed. He should also be told that there are many other children who have the same problem that he has, but with the proper help, he will be able to overcome these weaknesses and develop these skills. He should be told that this problem does not mean that he is not intelligent, and that his innate ability is good. It is important for parents to encourage their child to work hard, but at the same to understand that once he has developed his skills, he will be able to learn much more easily. The child needs to understand that this will not happen overnight, that it will take time. However, he also needs to understand that with the right kind of help and his hard work, once he has developed these skills, he will be able to learn just like any other child.
Consistent reinforcement of the basic and learning skills, and consistent encouragement, are a major part of what goes into helping children to completely overcome their disability.
A second issue concerning learning disabled children is how to help a child who has a serious visual perception problem; that is, one who frequently reverses the order of letters or substitutes letters when reading or writing. In particular, these children do not notice differences in similar words. For example, a child with a serious visual perception problem may read this as that, was as saw, went as want, small as smile, stood as stoop, kitchen as kitten, and campers as capture. This weakness can seriously affect the child's comprehension of the material he is reading or make his writing incomprehensible. While it is not uncommon for beginning readers to confuse and reverse letters or words that are similar, if the child continues for months to reverse or substitute letters while reading or writing, it is a sign that the child needs special concentrated work to help him or her overcome this deficiency.
Parents can jot down the words that their child confuses when he is reading orally, point out the differences and then have their child read each word. Parents can then print the words on a flashcard with both words on each side of the card so that the child can compare the difference between the two words. For example, on one side of the card it might say "small smile" and on the other side "smile small." They should then have their child read the cards and review them the next day, continually working on the flashcards until they are mastered.
If a child continuously confuses two particular words, parents can try another teaching technique. They can print each word on a piece of paper and then have their child trace each word saying each letter as he traces the word, then read the word. The child should trace the word over and over again until he feels that he truly knows it. The child should then do the same with the word that is similar but not the same.
Lastly, there are workbooks designed to help students develop visual perception. These workbooks can be very helpful if they are used consistently for ten to fifteen minutes two to three times a week. Workbooks that focus on the most frequently misperceived words are most helpful because they pinpoint the problem areas.
A third question that parents ask in relation to their learning disabled children is how to help their child when he has been diagnosed with a serious auditory memory problem which basically involves attention, listening and recall.
Most learning disabled children and, in particular, those who have been diagnosed with ADD (Attention, Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention, Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder) have serious auditory memory weaknesses. This learning skill weakness often interferes tremendously with their ability to grasp information that is presented to them orally in school, attend to what has been taught to them orally, form images in their minds of that information and recall what they have heard. Because they often pick up only bits and pieces of what is being said, they find it very hard to comprehend and recall what they have been taught orally.
Many children simply do not develop the skill of listening automatically when they are young, not because they are not trying to listen but purely because they have not developed the skills involved with listening. Often these children think that they are listening well but when they are tested it is evident that they are processing and recalling very little of what is being said.
Parents who have a child with auditory memory problems need to make their child aware of the fact that he needs help to become a good listener, and that he can overcome this weakness. This should be done in a positive encouraging way. Scolding a child for not being a good listener and demanding that he "listen" only makes the child nervous and apprehensive, causing him to feel badly about himself and therefore producing little or no improvement. The most important approach to use is one of encouragement coupled with concentrated remediation, one that stresses the fact that the child can overcome his deficiency with help.
One way that parents can help their child to become a better listener is to read a short paragraph to their child. After the paragraph has been read, the child should be asked to recite the main ideas and supporting details of the passage. If the child cannot state what he has heard, the paragraph should be read again orally to the child. Then he should be asked once again to recite what he has heard.
If after two tries the child still cannot state what he has heard, the parent should break the paragraph down into sentences. First, the parent should read just one sentence at a time asking the child to recite what he has heard. If this is easy for him, then the parent should try reading two sentences, gradually increasing the amount of sentences read until the child can attend, listen and recall an entire paragraph.
Parents should continue to practice this skill with their child until the parent can read longer and longer paragraphs and the child can recall the main idea and supporting details. This is an excellent technique to use with history and science as well as literature.
A fourth commonly asked question is one related to mathematics. Children with learning disabilities who are affected in the area of mathematics often have a difficult time memorizing number facts and understanding, for instance, that subtraction is the opposite of addition, and that division is the opposite of multiplication. There is much that parents can do to help their child to understand basic concepts of numbers, memorize facts, and learn essential skills for computation.
If, for example a child has problems understanding the concept of division, the parent might set up a pretend birthday party, asking their child to divide the prizes or food equally. Example: Pretend that there are three people at the birthday party and that you have six cupcakes. (Parents can cut paper in circles to represent the cupcakes.) Put objects such as stuffed animals at the table to represent each person. Ask your child to count all of the cupcakes that you have. Then have him take the paper cupcakes one by one to see how many each person would get if they are divided equally. Then say to him,"Six cupcakes divided by three people would give each person two cupcakes." Write the fact for him to see. 6 ÷ 3 = 2. Parents can do this kind of exercise with other items until their child gets the concept of division. Put the facts on flashcards with the problem on one side and the problem with the answer on one side. Example: 6 ÷ 3 = on one side, and 6 ÷ 3= 2 on the other. Parents should have their child study the facts and then go through them with the child the next day giving him rewards for every one that he memorizes and can remember the next day. It is important to continue to review the old facts as you add new ones. (Rewards for fact memorize can be stars or stickers on a chart.)
A second technique that helps children understand the relationship between multiplication and division is to teach your child "number families." The first two are "mother" and "father" and they are the multiplication facts. The next two are "sister" and brother" and they are the division facts. Three numbers go together to make up a number family.
This is the number family of 3, 2, and 6.
mother 3 x 2 = 6 (either the 3 or the 2 can come first but father is the opposite)
father 2 x 3 = 6
sister 6 ÷ 3 = 2
brother 6 ÷ 2 = 3
Parents can use this technique with all other number families. Eventually the child will begin to understand that three numbers that stay together make up the number family, and that once he memorizes the "mother" fact, he already knows the others. Parents can also point out to the child that in multiplication, the largest number comes at the end while in division, the largest number is at the beginning. This technique works well for addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and division.
The final question that is most frequently asked by parents of children with learning problems involves reading comprehension. Once a learning disabled child begins to read words and sentences, he often finds it difficult to process what he is reading and make sense out of it. It can be that he reads very slowly word for word and is so concerned about reading each word that he is not able to concentrate on the message of the sentence or paragraph. This can create a situation whereby the child ends up having to read a passage two or three times before he can grasp the meaning. This can be very frustrating for the child as well as the teacher and parent.
First, it is essential for the parent to work with the child to help him develop a good sight vocabulary so that he does not need to sound out multiple words in a sentence. Parents can do this by making flashcards of words that their child has to sound out and working with the child on a few at a time, until gradually their child begins to increase his sight vocabulary. This will in turn help him to read faster and more fluently, and, as a result, concentrate more on what he is reading instead of the mechanics of reading word by word.
Secondly, the parent can help their child, once he reads more fluently, to try to focus on reading for meaning by stopping the child after he reads just one sentence and asking him to tell them what he has read. It is best not to ask specific questions but rather allow the child time to learn how to concentrate on grasping the main idea and supporting details, the meaning as a whole. If the child can tell the parent what he has read after reading one sentence, the parent can have him read two sentences at a time. Once he gets so that he can focus on reading two sentences at a time, the parent can have the child progress to three sentences. Gradually, the number of sentences that he reads can be increased until he is reading an entire paragraph with good comprehension.
Much can be done to help learning disabled children overcome their deficiencies and begin to learn just like any other child. It takes patience, hard work, and most importantly, stress on the development of learning skills as well as basic skills. The results are well worth the effort.


How to Add Pizazz to Your Scrapbook Pages

How to Add Pizazz to Your Scrapbook Pages

Do your scrapbook pages seem plain and boring? They don't have to be that way! It's easy to ramp up your scrapbooking to create fabulous pages that are eye-catching and full of your personal style. Adding an element of pizazz to your scrapbooks is as easy as adding a little bit of "you" to your designs. You can take your scrapbook layouts up a notch easily and simply, making a humdrum page into something special and unique. Here's how to add your scrapbook style to your layouts:
1. Find a signature color. Mary Kay means pink. Red, white, and blue is as American as apple pie - or the Boston Red Sox! Do you have a favorite color? Add a little bit of it to every page you do, even if it's just a few brads, a cardstock mat, or a small piece of ribbon.
2. Always use your favorite products. Scrapbookers often have a tendency to "save" their favorite papers and embellishments. But for what? There's no reason to hoard your best stuff - use it on your pages and in your projects! The more you love the products you're using, the more you'll love the results.
3. Journal! Journal often becomes an afterthought for scrapbookers. But there's no better way to add "you" to your page than through your words. Take time - and make room - to write a few thoughtful sentences on your pages. Your journaling doesn't have to be paragraphs of Hemingway-esque prose, but it should reflect you and your personality.
4. Improve your photography. The better your pictures, the better the "pow" factor of your pages. Point-and-shoot or DSLR, learn as much as you can about your camera so the quality of your photos is as good as you can make it.
All these suggestions build toward your personal style - and your personal scrapbooking style is what adds pizazz to your pages. Knowing what you love and what makes a page stand out for you will help you create fabulous pages, fast!
For more tips and hints on defining your scrapbooking style, check out Lain Ehmann's self-paced class," Define Your Scrapbooking Style". In one month, she'll help you make your scrapbooking fun, fast and fabulous!


Senior Apartment Sharing and VA Benefits

Senior Apartment Sharing and VA Benefits

Seniors today have more to look forward to if they are willing to take advantage of options they have available to them. If you are willing to share an apartment with another friendly senior you could possibly save and live very comfortable with unbelievable services provided to you.
Veteran Assistant is another program that can be available to certain individuals that have been in the military or have had a spouse in the military. You can take advantage of these benefits and if you live share an apartment with another person your rent could possible be around $700.00 a month with wonderful services included.
I know it sounds very good but few people take advantage of this option. It is something a person has to apply for and few people do. As we get older we start to think of how we are going to spend out later years.
If you are like a number of people that will start drawing Social Security in the next few years it might not be enough to support a way of life you have become accustom to while working. Your SS may only be $900.00 dollars and this might be an option to live in the finest up to date retirement possible.
Keep in mind everything in included in your rent. When I say everything I am speaking of rent, dining, entertainment, socializing, fitness and other things, but your phones are your expense.
All this included gives you some money to get other things taken care of that might be extras you desire or you might still have some credit cards to pay off.
If you are interested in making your life easier as you age, then you owe it to yourself to look into senior apartment sharing and VA benefits. You, your parents, relatives or friends may be looking to conserve their savings. They might be trying to figure a way to make ends meet when they retire. Don't rule out options that can help you get more out of life.
Senior Apartment Sharing can save people age 55 plus. If money is important in your retiring to get your living expenses lower, you need to look into a VA program that is offered to veterans. It allows some qualified people to cut living expenses by over half. The idea of seniors sharing apartments will save you half the cost of renting an apartment on your own.


Olian Maternity and Nursing Clothes

Olian Maternity and Nursing Clothes

For expectant mothers, finding those essential clothing pieces for pregnancy and nursing is an important task to ensure that you will be comfortable and fashionable both during and after your pregnancy. Many designers specialize in one or two items, being well known for their blazers, their nursing tops, or their maternity swimwear. However, Olian Maternity is one designer who manages to create a variety of clothes, from pajamas to dresses to pants, all of which are fashionable and functional. Olian also designs clothing which is suitable for both pregnancy and nursing, allowing you to get more bang for your buck while still maintaining a high sense of style. Whether you need nursing pajamas, maternity tops, or beautiful dresses, Olian has something stylish and comfortable to suit your needs.
Nursing pajamas are a wardrobe essential for new moms, as you want to be comfortable for those midnight feedings. Finding a great pair of pajamas that can be worn during pregnancy and nursing is imperative, and Olian has designed some truly gorgeous pajama sets. All their nursing pajama sets are unique in their own way, but they all come with several similar great qualities. The soft and lightweight fabric defines them, and it is so comfortable that you will never want to change out of them. Also, their pajamas are all designed with easy nursing access which makes them incredibly practical. One top seller this season is the Lemon 4 Piece Nursing Pajama Set. The soft yellow color with a light pattern is gorgeous, and the set includes a cami top, ankle pants, robe, and baby sleeper. Another beautiful option is the new Blue 5 Piece Nursing Pajama Set, which includes a sleeveless nursing top, cute print drawstrings pajama pants for before and after the baby, pretty wrap robe, and coordinating baby sleeper and hat. These nursing pajamas are great for before and after pregnancy, as they are stylish and comfortable. Since they come in a cute set, they make an excellent gift for baby showers!
If you already have a great pair of nursing pajamas and instead are looking for a fashionable maternity top, Olian has some incredible options. With flattering shapes and functional designs, Olian has added some gorgeous maternity tops to its line this season. One personal favorite is the stunning emerald green Turtleneck Top. Perfect when paired with a beautiful a-line skirt or cute jeans, it is great in both a casual or professional setting. With the neck designed in a loose mini cowl neck style and a banded long-sleeve, it has a unique feel to it. Perfect throughout your pregnancy as it is designed with an extra-long length, this is a great option for the fall and winter months. Another stylish maternity top which is new this season is Lycra Tunic. In a trendy grey neutral, it is a versatile option. It has ¾ length sleeves and a lace up neckline, making it is unique and comfy! With such stylish and comfortable options, Olian has some truly great maternity top options.
Another design area in which Olian excels is in classic yet modern maternity and nursing dresses. Flattering and timeless, they will make you look and feel great. One striking option is the Kora V-Neck Maternity/Nursing Dress in a stunning royal blue. The gorgeous V-neck and empire waist design are incredibly flattering. With long-sleeves and a knee-length hem it is office appropriate yet easily dressed up for an evening out. With stretchy fabric, easy nursing access is provided. Paired with heels or flats, it is a great option for your fall wardrobe. If you are pregnant and looking for a dress for a more formal occasion, an incredibly stunning option is the Maxi Maternity Dress. An intricately designed neckline makes this dress unique and frames your face beautifully while the sleek and stretchy fabric will flatter your body perfectly. Throw on a gorgeous bracelet or great pair of earrings and you are sure to be on the night's Best Dressed List.
From comfy nursing pajamas to stylish maternity tops to stunning gowns, Olian Maternity truly designs beautiful maternity and nursing clothing. With shapes that flatter one's body and designs which blend classic and modern perfectly, they truly know how to dress the expectant and new mother.


Hen Parties - Wild Ideas for a Great Hen Weekend

Hen Parties - Wild Ideas for a Great Hen Weekend

So you have been given the task of arranging the hen do for your best girlfriend. There is nothing that is as much fun. Planning for the ultimate memorable hen party is always one of the best things that you can do. It gives you a great feeling of joy, because not only are you doing something incredibly nice for your friend, but also you are planning for a great relaxing party for yourself as well as your friends. This is one party where guys will not have any excuse to barge into. It will be just you and the girls, all having some great fun, and showing your friend what she means to you all.
Hen weekends
Since this party is one of the most special ones for the bride to be, you must ensure that every little detail has been taken care of. Today, with so much of work surrounding everyone, just a single night is not feasible. So instead of planning just night of alcoholic fun, you can instead plan for an entire weekend. You need not have it in your own city either. There are some really great destinations in Spain which are all quite cheap and affordable. In fact, a hen weekend in these destinations will be much cheaper than a party for a single night at any club in the big cities of UK.
Hen activities
Hen dos these days are more than just about wild partying. You could do that too, but what you really would remember for ever is some quality time with all your best friends. There are some excellent hen activities that you could all do. You could all go sightseeing in the destination that you have chosen for your weekend. Women who are fond of photography could find their calling here as well. You could all go trekking, hiking and camping, if you and your friends are all big fans of the great outdoors. You could also go shopping into the exotic and rare markets of your weekend destination and buy some really cool outfits. During the evenings or afternoons, it would be a wonderfully relaxing and enriching experience to listen to some amazing, soul stirring concerts.
The hen night party
And then of course, the final hen night party. Hen nights can be made simply amazing with some cool accessories that you can purchase. Apart from the usual stuff, you could all have a lot of laughs with the help of these accessories. You must however, take care of all the arrangements. If there are many of you, you could book a cottage, and if there are just a few of you, you could book a hotel suite. It would be wise to remember that while organising a hen party, it is necessary to consider the tastes of every woman attending the party.


Understanding Infant Development Stages

Understanding Infant Development Stages

Your new baby doesn't do much but sleep, eat, and poop. You may not do much but feed them, change them, and put them down for bed?and then fall asleep in complete exhaustion too. Just as soon as you get use to the strange routine of caring for a newborn, a new cycle starts and things change. Infant development stages come and go quickly, and some are so subtle that you don't see them right away. One mistake that parents make is to worry about these stages and compare their child to another of the same age. Babies hit milestones when they darn well want to, and being early or late rarely means anything.
Don't worry if your sister's baby seems to be hitting all of the infant development stages sooner than your child. It does not mean your sister's baby is smarter or better than your baby in any way. Some babies have a more laid back personality. They are just as smart as their peers, but they are not in a hurry to crawl. Perhaps they are not going to talk as soon as other babies, but when they do, they start blurting out sentences rather than single words. Comparing babies only makes you feel bad or anxious. It does not mean your child is behind or smarter than another baby. Try to relax.
Some of the first infant development stages are sleeping in longer spurts at a time. This is always a good time for mom. Just as it seems she can not take another night of getting up three times to feed the baby, the infant sleeps for six hours straight. Of course, at first, this is not at all relaxing for mom, as she may startle awake wondering if her baby is okay. Once a baby gets to this point, mom can start to sleep longer, only after she gets use to the idea of it while not freaking out that something is wrong.
Don't rush other infant development stages. If you feed your baby cereal too soon, or start with fruits and vegetables, you can put your baby at risk of obesity or other eating related issues. There are specific guidelines about when a baby should start certain types of foods and there are good reasons for these guidelines. Giving baby cereal too soon can mean they have problems later in life. It will not help them sleep through the night sooner, but it can cause them great upset because their digestive systems are not ready for those foods.
Other infant development stages like crawling, walking, and talking are all important, just as sitting up, using the pincer grasp, and rolling over are. There are places you may visit that tell you when these things should happen, but remember that they are only a guide. Your baby will do these things near this time, but there are no rules. The only concern you may have is when they go months beyond these points and do not seem to be moving towards them. That is when you talk to your doctor. Otherwise, use developmental stages as a guideline, and enjoy your baby's unique personality.


Some Useful Newborn Baby Items for Young Mothers

Some Useful Newborn Baby Items for Young Mothers

Being a mother is one of the best and most wonderful feelings for a woman.. It is indeed a joy and a very special bond that nothing else on earth could equal to. The love a mother en-shower on her baby is unbelievably pristine and free of any kind of selfishness. Thus, nothing could ever equal a mother's love. However, due to unpredictable schedules and difficult lifestyles these days, being a new mother is not so easy.
Motherhood and baby products
Most women these days are single moms. It is definitely not easy being alone with a kid. You may have parties and get togethers to attend to, but it's really difficult to do so when you have a wailing baby on your side. It is also difficult to do simple things like grocery shopping when most of your energy is spent in managing your baby, and ensuring that the little one is comfortable and protected. At the same time, you cannot ignore these tasks either. If you don't do them, nobody else will.
This is the reason why there are some excellent baby products available these days that could help you make motherhood a relishing experience. You should, however, exercise great precaution while you purchase these products. Newborn babies are very delicate creatures. Their body isn't fully formed yet, and thus their skins and their bodies are very sensitive to any kind of irritants. You must thus ensure that any object that they will come in contact with is extremely hygienic, clean and is free from harmful substances.
Of soothers and strollers
Among the most favourite newborn baby items are baby soothers. These are some cool baby accessories that really help working women who need to socialise and go out often. Even couples who like to go out for a movie from time to time, or eat out find these extremely useful. They give the baby something soft to suck on, and so they are always kept occupied. They don't break out into loud wails which may spoil your evening. A wailing baby is unfortunately, not very well received, especially when other people around are trying to enjoy a date or have a serious conversation. Your baby can instead gurgle away with a pretty soother and look happy and content, as you too can enjoy a peaceful evening.
Of all baby products strollers are perhaps the most loved ones by all mothers. They are extremely useful when you want to go grocery shopping, or just enjoy a great stroll. It keeps your hands free, and there is also a handy basket provided where you can keep your bags. Baby teething toys are also some essential baby items which help your baby through the painful process of teething. These toys really help you make a huge difference to your new life as a mother and to the development of your child.


Orange Halloween Costume Ideas

Orange Halloween Costume Ideas

There are many cases in which people choose their Halloween costumes according to their favourite colour. Some prefer red costumes; some would rather go for dark colours, some like monochrome costumes, while others love multi-coloured outfits. For those who adore the orange colour, here are some ideas which will give you inspiration for this year's Halloween celebration.
First on the list are, of course, the orange costumes. The costumes inspired by those delicious citrus fruits will put a smile on everybody's face the moment you make your appearance. However, because most of these costumes are spherical, they can be quite bulky. Second on this list come the costumes inspired by pumpkins. It is quite easy to understand why people love to dress as the official Halloween vegetable. In addition to that, there are plenty of orange, pumpkin-inspired costumes to choose from.
Moving on from the vegetable to the animal world, the range of costumes becomes even more diversified. You can choose a lion or tiger costume or even a squirrel costume for your Halloween disguise. These costumes are great for people who want to have fun dressed up in a comfortable costume, which will offer them enough freedom of movement. Also, just like the orange and pumpkin costumes, these outfits are suitable for any type of costumed party and they can also be used for any other occasion which requires you to wear a costume (special manifestations, theme parties, etc.).
There are many people who would love to be dressed up in an orange costume, but at the same time think that the above mentioned costumes are childish and not worthy of their attention. For them the fire fighter uniforms would be much more suitable, while for those who are fans of anime cartoons, the Naruto costumes can prove to be a very inspired choice. They are derived from the famous anime series and there are plenty of options in orange. These costumes are very comfortable and light so that you can wear them in hot weather. You can also wear some additional layers underneath these outfits and wear them when the weather cools down.
Thus, if orange is your favourite colour, do not give up your dream of wearing something fun, different and orange this Halloween! There are plenty of costumes available on the market for both genders and all ages, so finding something which will fully satisfy your needs should not be an issue this year.


Long Distance Grandparents - How to Keep the Love Flowing

Long Distance Grandparents - How to Keep the Love Flowing

The days when grandparents lived in the same home as their grandchildren are long gone. Today, most grandparents live in separate housing and many live even thousands of miles away, making family connections hard to maintain. Yet, the presence of grandparents in a child's life is sorely needed, no matter how far away the grandparents live. If you are experiencing the problems of distant grand parenting, consider some of these ideas for staying in touch with your grand children. Learn to keep the love flowing.
Ideas on staying connected with your grandchildren
Have you noticed that there is always a period of adjustment when you do get to visit your grandchildren. They have to warm up to you all over again each time you visit. These are things that you can do to stay connected.
1. Use the telephone
You can transmit your love through your voice by telephone.
-Arrange with the parents to have regular phone sessions with each child. For better communication during those sessions, get to know the child before the session. Ask the parents about the children. Ask, for example, about their outside activities, playmates, school lessons, moods, and current interests.
-Read a bed time story over the phone. Your voice will be remembered when they awake.
-Play a game like 20 questions.
-Tell a riddle or a joke.
-Make the next phone date with the child.
2. Send emails and / or join an older child's social network
-Send emails with updates on your activities and comment on theirs.
-Befriend them on their social network, however ask their permission first. Assure them that you will not be offended if they refuse.
3. Get a travel fund
To make visiting easier, instead of receiving gifts on birthdays and holidays, ask for funds to be placed in a travel fund for your visits to your grandchildren.
4. Set up a webcam
As with phone calls, set up a regular day and time to visit on your computer by webcam. Not only will the child know your voice, they will also be able to recognize your face.
5. Set up a family website
There are companies that will host a family website (e.g. You can have family members contribute, pictures, family stories, family history and accomplishments. Make sure there are plenty of things about you on the site. The grandchildren will know who you are and what you've done in life.
6. Send surprises by mail
Children of all ages love to get mail. Some things to send include:
- Handwritten letters with added sketches or cartoons. If your handwriting is not what it used to be, use a word processor or print, but do sign it.
-Send packages and holiday themed gift boxes. Ask the parents what the children are currently interested in and try to send at least one of these items. However also try to include several smaller items so that there will be more to look at. Speak to the children on the phone when they open the gifts.
Don't be alarmed if despite all your efforts your grandchildren still seem distant. Parents and children are busy these days. Depending on the age, letters and phone calls may require the help of an adult. The adult may be busy or unable to call. Children's schedule of activities have increased several fold since you were parenting. They are busy, but will enjoy and remember the things that you do to keep in touch. So keep them coming to keep the love flowing.


Finding The Best Family History Software For You Finding The Best Family History Software For You

Finding The Best Family History Software For You

What is family history software? Simply put, it is computer software that helps you outline your ancestry, the past people of your life, and from where you came. As such, individuals can often search back many generations when creating a family tree. Not all family history software is the same, however, and your genealogy research will flow much more smoothly if you find the software that works best for you and your budget.
Genealogy software can range from free to hundreds of dollars. This price can be for stand-alone software, or for the software plus ongoing monthly services, such as access to family records. Often some vendors will allow you to try their basic services as a free trial, but be sure to check the fine print. Many free trials include a monthly service fee after the first week or month. Before you pay for any software, be sure to search online for "family history software freeware" or "family history software shareware." You may find just what you need for little or no money whatsoever.
Some folks may find one software package that works better for them in relation to their searches. This does not always mean that this is the same result someone else may have. Since these websites often search different background information and public records, names may be found in one system which are not found in another.
While it is good to know the software package which is going to work best for you, you can still continue to search for others. You may even want to use more than one. For example, you could pay for one and continue to check out free trials in the event that there may still be another, better program out there for your specific needs.
Of course, your knowledge about past family members is essential to success. If you know some specific details about an individual ancestor, such as birth date or location, you can often find more records relating to that person. However, even if you only have limited information, you can often find at least one match on a family birth, location, or event. Still, the more information you can provide the better in order to obtain the most accurate records related to your family history.
If you need to do a public search, you can do so simply by typing in a family last name. Generally you must have at least one family last name in order to search on such records since first names are much too common. Once the results from the family last name are displayed, then you can sort through the listings (and there will probably be many) to see if there's a match to the name and location you are seeking.
Be sure to consider your family budget before choosing your family history software. If funds are tight, there are many free programs available. Also, be sure to check out the many free trials available online.
Some of these websites allow free trials, some limited and some without limitation. Free trials are a great way to check out the software before buying it. Whatever family history software package you decide on, there is no doubt it will bring hours of fun, information, and joy to you and your family for years to come.


A Comprehensive Guide for Watering Orchids

A Comprehensive Guide for Watering Orchids

Watering orchids is one of the most important aspects of providing good care for your orchids and will insure that they stay healthy and bloom with beautiful flowers. This is an easy task, but you should know how much water they require and how often to water them.
When watering orchids, the first thing to check is the quality of your water. This is very important in achieving well-grown, healthy orchids. Never use polluted water or place your orchids in an open location during periods of frequent rain. Your orchids may get over watered and die.
The best water to use for watering orchids is that which was processed through a reverse osmosis system, a system that removes most of the minerals unnecessary for consumption. However, it is alright to use rain water because it is less acidic, containing a PH factor ranging from 6.4 to 6.8. Also, you can use tap water or well water, but these sources are only acceptable if their mineral salt content is less than 120 parts per million or PPM. Do not use hard water, because it contains above 120 PPM and that can form deposits on the leaves of your orchids. If you do use hard water for watering orchids, periodically clean the leaves with distilled water.
After determining the water quality, the next thing to consider is how to water your plants. This depends on the pot in which they are planted. If your orchids are placed in small pots, frequent watering is needed, but when they are placed in large pots, once a week is usually sufficient. Also, remember that different components and sizes of pots will dry out at different rate. Clay pots evaporate more water than plastic pots, and clay orchid pots will dry out faster than the usual clay pots. Consider also the room conditions and temperature.
Now that you know how to water your orchids depending on their pots, you must also know when and how you will water them during different seasons. When it is a sunny season, always water your orchids during sunny days because evaporation takes place fast resulting in immediate drying of your plants. During the rainy season, however, allow 2-3 days from the day you previously watered your plants before watering them again. Watering orchids at night or very early in the morning during rainy seasons is highly dangerous for your orchids. This is because some  may remain between the leaves of your plant and, along with the cool temperature, will create conditions for bacteria to grow.
The PH and nutrients are also great influences in the growth of your orchids, but this is only a part of the watering issue. The fertilizing and watering process must provide the nutrients needed by the orchids, and they must be at the right PH levels.
But even if you adhere to these guidelines you can still make some mistakes. These common mistakes include watering them too much and too often, watering at night and ignoring the plants' indications. These things must be avoided.


Preparing for the War of Parenthood

Preparing for the War of Parenthood

My sister is pregnant now for the first time, and she said to me that getting ready to raise a child is like getting ready for war. She was joking, of course, but there's definitely some truth to that kidding. There are innumerable things you need to have prepared and ready at a moments notice when you have a kid. Here are some things to think about to make sure you're a good soldier in your upcoming fight that is parenthood.
There are a bare minimum of things that you're going to need at any and all times when you have a kid in your life. If your child is very young, and not yet in school, then baby wipes are always a good idea- not only for cleaning diapers, but for any other spill or mess that will invariably come up.
You're going to want plenty of other items on you for similar little 'emergencies.' Some types of medicine or non-perscription drugs, things like aspirin and Tylenol, are a good idea to keep stocked in your bag. The same goes for band aids and Neosporin, things to help clean up little injuries immediately so that you're not scrambling if your child skins her knee.
You're going to always need food on you at all times. Now, I like to have food one me at all times for my own self, but it's not a catastrophe if I'm caught unawares and have to go some time without food and water. After all, I'm an adult and can handle discomfort and understand where and why it happens. A child or baby, on the other hand, needs to have their needs met when they arise. They just don't quite understand why they are feeling bad and why they might not reasonably be able to fix that feeling immediately. To be prepared for this, you're going to at least need some snacks and some water on you at all times. More substantial food like juice or full meals are also a good idea to carry with you, if you can do so without the food going bad.
It's also a good idea to always have something active for your child to do. If they like to be read to, have some books on you. If they enjoy coloring or art, then have coloring books or paper, pencils and crayons on you. Whatever they like to do to stay occupied, make sure it is available and accessible for them. Like eating and drinking, kids might not understand why they get bored and how to break the boredom without your help. You might be able to pass the time easily, but that doesn't mean your child will be able to. And in full honesty, much of the world is designed to entertain and engage adults, not children, so it's easier for you to pass the time than your child.
Overall, being prepared for a child is not very complex, but it can be logistically tricky. Basically, you just want to make sure that you are able to meet your child's predictable needs and wants in the moment, without much hesitation or scrambling.


Simple Party Planning Information To Stay Organised

Simple Party Planning Information To Stay Organised

Majority of folks at some stage in their lifetime throw a party, we all love to have fun and it tends to be more than one every year. Throwing a party when you were in your teens was so much easier. It was simply a case of inviting your mates over, they would bring their favourite drinks, you would order some pizza and put together a few bowls of crisps and everyone was sorted for the night. There you have it, the party was set in motion and everyone was rocking to a pumping tune.
With a few years added to your belt, it gets a little more complex throwing a party as an adult. Your mates are now grown up and in addition you now have a bunch of new friends. All with their own expectations of what a cool party is and what it takes to throw a party the correct way. No worries, you are in the right place to get as much information about throwing a successful party in no time.
Step one is to know what type of party you intend throwing, deciding the kind of party you have in mind maybe quite easy since it may be dictated by the event coming up or simply an occasion to have fun. If it is an event such as a Birthday, a Farewell, a Graduation then you probably already have some ideas around the party you want to host. With this question answered, other questions you may have to think about answering. What would be the age range of your guests attending your party? Along with, how many people will you be inviting to party?
Knowing these numbers will go a long way in making the right preparations and decisions to planning a great party.


What to Look for Before Placing Your Loved One in a Nursing Home

What to Look for Before Placing Your Loved One in a Nursing Home

Nursing Homes are under State regulatory Laws so they have sufficiently improved over the years nevertheless, it is still a good ideal to observe the Home that you are thinking about admitting your Family Member to before you begin the process.
Before you enter the Facility check out its grounds, notice is it clean and the landscaping is neatly trimmed. Notice the building appearance see if it is in need of a paint job.
When you enter the building is there an offensive odor. If it were that would mean that it is not clean and be aware of smelling deodorant spray, this is a cover up. Check out the floor to see if there is trash on it, check for spills on the floor, and check the walls to see if it needs painting. If you detect any of these as being a minus then it is properly not a good place to admit your Family member.
When talking to the Administer notice if He is open to your questions and answers them directly and in detail. Ask about their policy and procedures. Remember that you can always request to discharge your Family at any time you want day or night. They will not say that you cannot discharge them but they will try to discourage you from it because their admission procedure is long and the Facility cannot be paid for admissions until after thirty days.
Ask for a visual tour of the Facility and ask questions as you go. You can randomly ask Staff Members questions, all of them should be familiar with the Facility's policy and procedures.
Observe the Residents, see if they are neatly dressed and groomed. Ask what kind of activities they offers because you would want your family involved in activities even if they can not physically participate in it, this will help to keep them mentally alert.
Ask about mealtime, medication administration, and ask if they are an open door Facility for Visitors, that means you can visit at anytime but it is unappreciated to visit past 9:00 pm because usually by that time the Staff have bedded them down for the night.
Most of these Facilities are good and does meet State regulations but never take for granted that they are as they appear. Ask if the State Department have citied them for any reason, if not this is a good thing but it still bears watching.
If you decide to admit your Family Member visit them often and check to see if they are neat and clean also check their bed to see if any bugs are in it. The more you show your face at a Facility the better your love one will be treated.
I am a License Practical Nurse. I enjoy helping and encouraging others. I am a Wife, Mother and Grandmother. I am also President of the Parent Teachers Organization, President of the Parent Supporter Task Force and a member of the Parent Leadership Institute.


Choosing The Right Preschool For Your Little One

Choosing The Right Preschool For Your Little One

As the day for you to go back to work full time and time to put your child in the hands of another care giver approaches, the anxiety could be quite intense. You are faced with the decision of sieving through the hundreds of childcare or preschool facilities available to find the best one for your child. Below are 6 tips that will give you a better view of what is out there and what you should emphasize in when looking for care for your child.
Classroom Size
Qualified Teachers
Learning And Not Playing All Day Long
Secure And Safe Facility
Parent teacher Communication
Shape Of The Facility
Classroom Size
Make sure that the number of kids in the classroom is not too much. There are certain guidelines that must be adhered to proper care of the students and to prevent the teacher from becoming overwhelmed. It is recommended that for r children between the ages of 2 to 3 and 4 to 5 years old, there must be two teachers for every 10 to 14 kids, and 15 to 20 children respectively.
Qualified Teachers
Visit the school or facility and ask for a tour. Talk to the teachers in the class which your child will be joining. As a rule of thumb there must be one teacher in the classroom well trained with a degree in early childhood education. This is very important, there is a huge difference between a babysitter and somebody trained to on the lookout for developmental issues and how to deal with them.
Learning And Not Playing All Day Long
Find out what the school's curriculum is and make sure there is a healthy balance between the play and actual learning. It must be a good mixture of learning at their age, music, alphabets and numbers, sentences, trips etc.
Secure And Safe Facility
Make sure that the facility is secure and safe and has a system in place that monitors who comes in and who goes out. This is very important that the staff of the place can account for the children at all times and are aware of who come in and goes out of the building each time.
Parent teacher Communication
There must be continuous and constant communication between your Child's teaches and you the parent on a daily basis. As a parent, make sure that you read these updates that are sent to you every school day. Examine your child for any bruises or bumps and ask questions. It could be from playing with other kids but know what happened.
Shape Of The Facility
When you visit the facility, make sure it is in good shape. Clean, sparkly and a safe environment for kids. During your visit make mental notes of what you are seeing and do not hesitate to ask questions if you see anything out of place.
Finding the right day care provider for your child needs some due diligence on your part. Knowing that your baby is in safe hands gives you peace of mind and room to focus while at work. Jessica's other interests includes helping motivated individuals get Medical Assistant Jobs Click on the links to watch videos on how to write a compelling Medical Assistant Resume and the answers to common interview questions.


5 Tips for Sending Funeral Flowers

5 Tips for Sending Funeral Flowers

When a family is grieving over the passing of a loved one flowers are a perfect way to express condolences.  Finding the proper flowers to send to the family during such a difficult time can be complicated.  You have the option of sending funeral flowers to the home of the surviving family members or to the funeral service.
There are several types of funeral flowers you can choose from - some more appropriate than others since you don't want to offend the family in morning. There are floral arrangement for the funeral service and some for the home or office. Here are some general tips that will help you decide what floral arrangement is appropriate and how you should send them.
5 quick tips for sending funeral flowers:
1. Family member or friend - While family friends can send floral arrangement like standing sprays, standing baskets, and funeral baskets, friends of the family shouldn't send floral casket sprays, funeral crosses, or funeral wreaths, since they are typically selected by family members or a spouse. Arrangements like sympathy baskets or sympathy plants are usually sent to the relatives' home.
2. Check with the family for guidance - It can be considered poor taste to send large floral pieces unless you are a member of the immediate family. It's a good idea to coordinate with other family members for guidance to be sure not to offend the grieving family.
3. Order funeral flowers early - It's a good idea to order funeral flowers early so they arrive at least two hours before the service begins. Florist will need time to prepare the order especially if they are to arrive fresh for the service.  If you aren't sure where to order your funeral flowers call the funeral home where the service will be held and ask them for recommendations for local florist.
4. Check the address of the funeral service - When sending funeral flowers, make sure you have the correct name and address of the funeral home handling the funeral and the time of the service. You can also call the funeral home to confirm.
5. Express your condolences on a card - When sending funeral flowers you will most likely have the option of including a message of sympathy. Your personal message can convey your personal feeling about the loss and what the person meant to you.  Remember that your message should also be comforting to the surviving family members.
It's never an easy time but by sending funeral flowers to the service or sympathy flowers to the home of the grieving family you are expressing your compassion for the family's loss and letting them know you care. offers consumers several flower delivery options on flowers and gifts for all occasions with the latest coupons and discounts from the top florists online.


Brother Sewing Machine LS 2125 Best Deal - Don't Pay Full Price!

Brother Sewing Machine LS 2125 Best Deal - Don't Pay Full Price!

Looking For a Brother Sewing Machine LS 2125 On Sale? By the end of this article we will not only show you where to find the best deal but will also talk about some of the features and benefits of this product.
If you are looking for a classic sewing machine that works great for simple alterations and repairs and is easy to use, look no further than the Brother Sewing Machine LS 2125. This product is particularly popular because it is very user friendly; the features and design is classic and straightforward with the only additional settings to be varied including the width and length of the stitch. Furthermore, the Brother LS 2125 is a free arm sewing machine which is lightweight, compact and has a built in handle allowing you to take it from one place to another without any problems.
Some outstanding features of the Brother Machine LS 2125 include the following
* 25 stitch function including zig-zag, straight, blind hem, elastic and satin
* A built in automatic 4 step buttonholer and snap on presser feet
* Quick set bobbin winding, easy threading and an impressive 25 year limited warranty
The Brother LS 2125 is ideal for people who have just begun sewing and need a simple machine for basic purposes. It has a work surface that can switch from flat to free arm for pant legs and cuffs and an in built storage compartment which can accommodate extra needles, feet and bobbins.
On purchase of a Brother Machine LS 2125 customers will also benefit from a buttonhole foot, button sewing foot, a zipper foot, a twin needle, a set of needles, a darning plate and a set of bobbins.
Where To Find The Brother Sewing Machine LS 2125 On Sale? Shopping online for these types of products will probably always be your best if you are looking for the best mix between the lowest price and ease of shopping. Before buying online be sure to order from a reputable online vendor that offers competitive pricing and low shipping costs.


Jazz Up Your Child's Apron

Jazz Up Your Child's Apron

While some kids love to play with toys or watch TV during summer, there are also kids who enjoy cooking up sweet, wonderful treats with their moms. If that is the case, get your child a cooking apron just right for his or her size. You may opt to buy a plain-looking canvass apron, and as another bonding moment for you two, you can help your kid personalize her apron.
A basic material would be a fabric marker. It comes in different colors and is very easy to use. You may choose to design the apron for your kid and let him color the insides of the drawing. Why not engage him to draw with you as well? Your kid may have already thought of a design, and is just waiting for that very moment. To avoid accidents, place newspapers under the apron while the two of you draw.
For an embossed look, use puff paint to make the designs stand out. Choose bright colors to give your kid's apron a lively and glossy look.
If drawing is not an option, then try iron-on crystals for the apron. Let your kid choose the design he wants and simply "iron" the crystals onto the apron. You may opt to buy individually set crystals or those that already come in a pattern. Just ensure you follow the instructions carefully and to the letter. You wouldn't want the crystals falling off after you wash the apron.
Another option is to use fabric paint and rubber stamps. Why not design an entire scene? Sponge Bob cooking under the sea, perhaps? Or, Patrick Star helping his friend Sponge Bob serve the customers in the restaurant? There are lots of ideas that you can come up with it. Simply trace the scene with a light pencil, and let your kid color with fabric paint. With the use of the rubber stamps, you may also create patterns of your own design.
Lastly, iron-on appliques are also available in art stores. Let your kid choose the design he wants and just ensure you iron on the applique thoroughly so they won't curl up later on.
Design ideas abound. You just have to choose which apron design you want and let it be the start of a wonderful summer cooking time with your child.


Pyramid Solitaire - With Different Edition

Pyramid Solitaire - With Different Edition

Pyramid Solitaire is a popular and unique game of solitaire. When gaming with the regular rules, owing to bad fortune with the preliminary deal, a lot of games cannot be successful. In this article, we are going to let you come across one regulation change that to the highest degree amplifies the quantity of games that can be succeeded at, improve the component of gamer skill obligatory and obviously makes this meticulous solitaire alternative more entertaining. In a game of pyramid solitaire your motive is to get rid of all of the cards from the set. It begins with the first dealt of twenty eight in the shape of a pyramid and then the other twenty four that stay in the deck.
When you are playing pyramid solitaire you will eliminate cards in pairs that sum up to thirteen, apart from for the King that you may eliminate as a solitary card. The cards that are numbered possess their face value as for the other game cards values are mentioned as follows, Jacks: 11, Queen: 12, King: 13, and Aces: 1. So you can merge such as a Queen with an Ace to get a sum of thirteen. You require eliminating cards that are not enclosed by any other game cards and they are eliminated from the down to up.
This pact remains with un-dealt twenty four cards onto the deck. Now, the remaining cards can only be moved with the rule of three each time. At a time three fresh cards are seen they wrap the formerly inverted cards. The moment the gamer moves through the cards that are un-dealt, they can unite the sets together and there is no need to shuffle them and then can move through these cards again. In the normal rules of pyramid solitaire the gamer is permissible to go all the way through the cards that have not yet been dealt for about 3 times.
You will unquestionably have an enormous time with Pyramid solitaire. The difficulty of a likely bad pact immediately doesn't go away and that creates it to be very complicated from time to time to play it. The little rule alteration that was implemented in lets the gamers to take away one card from the cards that are dealt or from the pyramid as well as put it subsequently to the others for a short time. This card can then be utilized when it is required most. The selection of not wanting the sole card in the blend permits gamers to either launch the pyramid to assist them move forward or to do the similar thing with the overturned set giving them numerous more chances. You can nevertheless place only single card to the other side ones.
With this benefit, an additional rule has been commences which stops the gamer of Pyramid Solitaire on supplementary levels. It is that they are merely permitted to work all the way through the un-dealt set of cards one at a time. Play a game to get your hands to it and have loads of fun.


Stone Chess Set

Stone Chess Set

The main characteristics that can be perceived from stone are strength and power. These qualities have led to a lot of high end chess-sets being crafted from stone to capture these values.
Although stone may be perceived as one of the strongest materials on earth, there are some things that one will have to watch out for about it.
There are very many different types of natural stone that can be used to make chess sets. Different stones however have different qualities. Chess-sets that are made by concrete crafting for example will need a different type of maintenance when compared to those made from polished marble. The longer you want to keep your chess set, the more you will need to understand these subtle differences.
The varying types of marble available are some of the most popular stone used to make sets. They come in plenty of colors depending on what minerals the marble was formed from. Some of them may even have fossilized images or multicolored translucence in them.
When it comes to caring for your marble set, scratches and chips are the biggest headache. Marble is very soft and its polish can be easily scratched if a hard surface is applied to it. Even a billow pad is capable of scratching it.
Should your marble chess set get dirty, simply soak in warm water for approximately one hour and the dirt will loosen. Avoid using acidic soap on it as this will definitely stain the marble.
Slate is also another very popular material used to make chess-sets. It is somewhat resistant to staining so your pieces will be safe. What you will need to watch out for are fault lines running from left to right of the pieces horizontally.
Beauty and power are all emphasized by stone. Your simple chess set can bring the power of a colossal mountain into your humble home showing sophistication and elegance.


Baby Shower Supplies - Favors And Decors

Baby Shower Supplies - Favors And Decors

Whether you are organizing a big or small baby shower, the basic things that you need to have include favors and decors. These are among the necessary supplies that make a baby shower successful. Both favors and decorations play an important part for the party planned for the expectant mom. The baby shower favors are traditionally used as thank you gifts for the guests for spending their time with the mom-to-be, while decorations are used to make the look of the entire event appealing.
There are lots of choices when it comes to baby shower favors. You can surprise the guests with something that they can eat while at the party or if they want to take home the treats, it's also okay. These edible shower favors could be cookies, chocolates, candies, mints, jams, or etc. Many people opt to make their own edible favors at home, which is a practical and creative way to include a personal touch on the tokens. You can think of giving whimsical cookie or candy favors in shapes of pacifier, baby bottle, bib, or baby safety pin.
Perhaps you are opting for favors that guests can use long after the baby shower. There are also plenty to choose from, including soaps, candles, bath salts, lotions, massage oils, coasters, mugs, pens, and a lot more. These are very popular nowadays and are cost-effective, which make wise options for those who are on a tight budget.
When it comes to the baby shower decorations, you can get as creative as you want. There are lots of creative supplies that you can purchase from crafts and art stores. You may also want to make your own decorations out of items that you already have at home. For example you may have a collection of china or old jars, you may use them as parts of your decorations on the tables or in different parts of the venue.
Some of the most popular decorations used for showers are banners, streamers, balloons, ribbon, flowers, and linens. You can actually make these stuff by yourself, which is a good idea to save money. The sky is the limit when decorating a baby shower. Just always keep in mind the theme of the event as well as the budget.
Speaking of the budget, if you are on tight, don't worry because you can find ways to stretch that resources. One way is to buy supplies in bulk quantity. For example, buying party favors in a large volume since it is expected that there will be a number of guests that are coming. You can get a big discount when you buy them from a wholesale store. Another way to save money on baby shower supplies is to create your own shower invitations and baby shower games. You can find various templates for party invitations online and you can use them for free, as well as printable games. Therefore, if you are planning to organize a shower, it pays to surf the Internet or research other sources so that you wisely plan everything within your budget limit.


Take Advantage of Free Baby Stuff

Take Advantage of Free Baby Stuff

While you are awaiting the arrival of your new baby, you can prepare yourself by collecting up all you need. It will not take you long to realize that this is a costly business. Your new baby will require a whole host of items and this is especially true if it is your first child. When it comes to choosing items for your baby, it is essential to be selective and keep in mind the person for which you are buying the items. If you are able to acquire the majority of the necessities before you give birth, it will make your life a lot easier when your new baby enters the world and throws your life in a whole new direction. If you are not prepared for the arrival of the baby, gathering up all you require will be a hurried and stressful task. Acquiring free baby stuff can help you to better prepare for your baby's arrival.
It is well known that baby products can be expensive and that babies grow quickly. Items that they may fit into tomorrow are unlikely to fit a few months down the line. It is for this reason that free baby stuff is popular with mothers-to-be. Free stuff for babies is not a myth - it certainly can be found if you know the right places in which to look. Begin your search for free toddler stuff, go online. Here you will find a wide range of websites that will aid you in preparing for your baby's arrival and on these websites you may have the opportunity to acquire free stuff through the post. Nappies, baby food and baby booties can all be acquire through the offers. However, you will need to fulfil the requirements of the companies offering free babies stuff. Companies may only send free stuff to babies of certain ages, depending on the promotion.
In our current economic climate, the expense a baby brings can have a significant effect on your finances. For this reason, it is advisable to take advantage of all free toddler stuff offers available to you. Some freebies are unlikely to be of inadequate quality - companies genuinely wish to impress mothers and mother-to-be with their products and hope to tempt you to buy their products in the future. The offering of free baby stuff proves an effective form of marketing for companies manufacturing baby freebies.
Some companies offering baby freebies may require you to complete surveys in order to be rewarded with free baby stuff while others may sell your contact details to third parties in order to pay for the product sent to you. For this reason, it is essential to inspect the terms and conditions of the offers before signing up for free stuff for toddlers. This way, you will know exactly what you are letting yourself in for.
If you are on a tight budget or just wish to try out products you would not normally purchase, take a look online for free stuff for babies. If you perform an extensive search and are persistent in your aims, you will find a plethora of free baby stuff available to you. This may include baby body wash, baby bottles and toys. Furthermore, you can get your hands on coupons and discount vouchers online too. Baby freebies can save you a significant sum of money - you just have to take advantage of it.


5 Categories to Help You Simplify the Process of Baby Proofing Your Home

5 Categories to Help You Simplify the Process of Baby Proofing Your Home

Not knowing where to start and how to analyze each room is one of the biggest challenges facing parents set out to baby proof their homes. As a professional baby proofer, my survey method will help you determine what products might be best suited for your situation. Use the categories below to assess each room one at a time.
1) Barriers - Baby Gates as well as additional baby safety locks on other barriers such as doors.
2) Locks and Latches - Devices used to baby proof drawers, cabinets, doors, windows, appliances, toilets and more.
3) Accident Safety - Furniture safety (such as padding), fireplace hearth padding, electrical outlet safety products and appliance strapping.
4) General Safety - Solid door stops, window blind cord cleats, bathtub mats and spout covers as well as boxes to lock up your soap and chemical items.
5) Organic Safety - General safety without products, for example, turning your hot water heater down to 120 degrees, keeping the kitchen knife block out of reach and removal of crib bumpers and mobiles at the appropriate time.
Now, using the above categories we can easily determine what baby proofing products are needed for the bathroom.
Barriers - A door top lock will prevent the baby from wondering into the bathroom unsupervised.
Locks and Latches - A toilet lid lock will prevent the toddler from accidently getting into the toilet. The lower cabinets and drawers should be latched. If there are windows in the bathroom they should be locked to prevent opening by the toddler.
Accident Safety - Electrical outlets should be the GFCI type and be tested for proper operation. Non GFCI outlets should have slide covers attached.
General Safety - If the door stop has a little rubber cap, replace it with a solid door stop. A non-slip mat for the bathtub along with a spout cover will protect against any head banging issues. Any chemicals should be stored in a locked container out of reach of the baby. The trash can should be out of reach or have a locking lid.
 Organic Safety - includes setting the hot water heater to a 120 degree maximum temperature, checking  all tub toys for choking hazards (If it fits inside and empty toilet paper cardboard roll then it is a potential choking hazard).
As you can see, doing this on a room by room basis will not only help organize the process, it will help you determine just what baby proofing products you will need.
Want to find out more
Click Here for Free Information and Baby Proofing Tips


Letter to My Foster Daughter

Letter to My Foster Daughter

I know life has been hard. You have been shuffled around from home to home, some homes better than others. As I have always said to you, "It takes lemons to make lemon aid."
Unless you get a scholarship for foster children, your college dreams may not manifest in the beginning, yet that is no reason to give up. Online courses, junior college, college at night, are all acceptable options.
Working a part-time or even a full-time job while preparing for your future is OK. It doesn't mean that is where you will be in 5 years. You are at a disadvantage because you are missing the help of parents which your friends take for granted.
The state (most states) stops your financial support at age 18, that is why I am writing this letter, to give you a head start.
Earning a Living
Earning a good living is easy, if you know which path to take. Being a tax accountant has helped me to help you. Those who do consistently well, without a college degree regardless of the economy, are those who provide the essentials in life, such as food, coffee and drink!
Daycare is another option. Obtain the necessary credits and experience the growth of children ages 2 through 5. This is a wonderful way to stabilize your own growth.
The job you worked while in high school, ask if you can continue on, with more hours, while you attend college?
Stay focused, no matter what happens, and remember, the building blocks, it takes time and committment.
Dating & Men
Men are a gift from the heavens above. Yet not all men can be trusted. I know you realize this because of your own father's behavior. If you remember to forgive the men who misbehave badly, they will never be the center of your attention.
Men have a habit of stealing your energy. You job, is to stay focused. Be nice to everyone, yet trust very few. Do as I say, not as I did. Stay calm, think things through before you make a statement, or take action. You will like yourself much better.
When the man for you comes into your life. You will know it. There will be very little doubt. Love has it ups and downs, but is never hard.
Limit the personal and private information you put online. If a guy discusses your date online, dump him, without a second thought.
Cosmetics & Fashion
Purchase your cosmetics at the drug store until you can do better. Purchase a "set of clothing," which you can match up to create different looks. It is important to buy good shoes, your feet will have to carry you for the rest of your life, taking care of your feet is more of a self-love than anything else.
Confidence In Yourself
I know it may be hard for you to feel good about yourself, when the two people you loved so much walked away from your precious life. Attitude is everything. Get over it! Stuff happens. You are a wonderful, one of a kind individual, who has the ability to make your life work. Don't spend time in the past, learn how to forgive, it will set you free. Be the very best that you can be, learn, read, study, concentrate on an important task. Do your best, and your confidence will increase.
With these words, I send you out into the world. May the Grace of Heaven, protect you and keep you.


Living in the Country Side

Living in the Country Side

Leaving in cities can be easy with the kind and number of services that are provided each day. Places like the harbor, shopping malls, and restaurants can make it a nice place. However more city dwellers are being towards the country-side because of how busy the city is.
Yet there are those who truly enjoy the big city. They like the busyness of the city life. They like the idea of not driving around looking for places to park their cars.
Efforts are been put into drawing people back to the city. As more and more people are been drawn away it has become necessary to entice them back and this seems to be working.
Some people though enjoy the country side where they get to drive wherever they want to go and enjoy the peace and tranquility in the country-side. They enjoy the wide open space and refuse the restricted and constricted city dwellings.
City dwellers is normally saved when he works in the city but is now living in the country side as the constant need for stores is greatly reduced. He can always get to the store before heading home. stores are quite scare in the country side and so city dwellers who live on it can sometime be burdened by it when they move to the country side.
However city dwellers who are fully up for the country life either through tending farms may have to schedule weekly trips to the cities to grab their supplies. They are however to take time to complete their list before going as this can take a significant amount of time before your car gets to town from the village.
The country man must always make sure they are certain items that he always has them in stock. Most of them can be none perishable goods like toilet rolls, canned foods and medicines which are necessities and must always be available when they are needed.
If properly planned staying in the country side can be a really enjoyable thing.


Antique Wood Stoves - Bring Your Room Alive With A Vintage Stove

Antique Wood Stoves - Bring Your Room Alive With A Vintage Stove

Making a resurgence as an eco-friendly heating source, wood stoves are finding themselves being described as chic. So what better way to add a certain flair to your living room than by adding not just a wood stove, but an antique wood stove.
Franklin, Pot Belly and Parlor Stoves.
Stoves have been part of the American heating experience for well over 200 years. Encompassing the humble Box, Franklin, and Pot Belly, it wasn't until the late 1800's that the Parlor Stove started to grace the living rooms of the well-heeled as an ornamental addition to their lifestyle.
Now the stove not only cheerily issued warmth, it served as an entertaining focal point for the whole family and guests to gather around.
With the invention of modern-day central heating systems, the wood stove had to relinquish its grasp on our hearts and melt into the forgotten shadows of the past. The cleaner and cheaper energies of gas and electricity were surely here forever and wood stoves were a remnant from our great grandparents' lives.
Sometimes though the world turns full circle and now eco-friendly wood burners are back in fashion. No more expensive to run than gas or electric fires, cleaner to the environment and much more inviting to look at. The wood stove seems to have it all.
Reproduction or Refurbished
Now the burning question you're probably asking is 'What do I want?' A refurbished original stove or a modern- day antique reproduction; well to be truthful it all depends on your bank balance and desire to live with a working piece of fascinating history.
Reproductions, are just that, reproductions of the past, they're cheaper to buy than the originals, come with a working guarantee and if they go wrong you'll be able to find a spare part to fix the problem with.
Refurbished stoves though, are actually a link to the past. As you sit by them it's easy to imagine the past lives they've individually touched and warmed. And for the hard-headed business men amongst us hopefully a refurbished antique wood stove will only, over the years, gain in value.
Whichever you choose though, an antique wood stove can only be a heart warming addition to your life. And before long, when you return home at night, you'll find that not only have you invested wisely in an invaluable source of heating, you'll also be coming home to a friend.
For more information on Antique Wood Stoves click here and for all your wood stove/burner questions why not drop in at Logs and Wood Burners.


A Big Mac And A Sermon Please

A Big Mac And A Sermon Please

Thank you for wearing that shirt
On April 10th my wife and I were busy preparing a dinner for students that bring music to our church. We are a small local church growing and sharing the Gospel within our community. Our music has been provided by several dedicated wonderful young college students. Once a month for the last 3 months we have fixed them a good home meal to show our appreciation for their loyalty to our church.

Our last dinner we decided to smoke some Boston Butts and have pulled pork. This is a long endeavor taking over 12 hours just to smoke. During the late afternoon we realized we hadn't taken time for ourselves to have lunch. Ah, McDonald's just a mile away I'll run over there real quick. Well, quick it was not! You see, I was wearing a shirt that said This shirt is illegal in 51 countries on the front, and Romans 1:16 on the back. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.

In 51 countries around the world this message is illegal! In fact, you can be imprisoned or even killed for displaying or preaching the word of Jesus Christ the Saviour.

I had ordered and was waiting when an old man, in at least his 80's, said,"Thank you".

I turned and looked at him and he repeated thank you to me. He proceeded to say he too spreads the Gospel and is not ashamed of Christ. Then he noticed the front of the shirt with a small red cross and the message of this shirt being illegal. Immediately he knew it is the message from The Voice of Martyrs. He continued to say how he had met the man who started VOM and what that had meant to him.

He asked if I were a preacher and what church I pastor. No, I am not a pastor but I do preach the Gospel of Christ to the lost and dying world. I told him of the ministry my wife and I do and how we have committed our lives to evangelism and missionary work. I also said that this shirt may well be illegal here in the United States of America if things keep going as they are. I said we are in the greatest days of apostasy this country has ever known. Apostasy is the falling away from the Gospel, from the Bible, from God. I said how prayer has been taken out of our schools. How there is a movement to control our very thoughts making it illegal in a public place to even think of God. Our thoughts can you imagine? Our Christian beliefs and convictions are everyday being minimized for the sake of heretics. There is an out cry for them to be able to speak as they please but God forbid we speak the truth of the Risen Jesus. We as Christians are being made to silence our voices and have to let the godless to go out of control. We are to stand idly by as those that hate the Gospel slander our very Creator. I went on, One day every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, whether that be while they are alive on earth or in the bowels of Hell. I hope that all I can speak to make the decision to follow Christ before it is too late. I don't want to see friends and loved ones crying out from a place reserved for the devil and his followers. I want to see them confess Jesus as their Lord while they have the breath in them to do so. The smiling old man looked in my eyes and said he liked my devotion to God and wished me well. I told him how we are preparing to go out and bring revival to America. I told him how this country was founded on the Bible and Godly morals and principles and that is where we need to return. We need to return. Going on I proclaimed how it is not too late. How America can stand once again in God's glory, if as a nation we humble ourselves and seek HIS face. Churches need to make that stand today, they need to say we are of God and no matter what any political group says we will serve God. I told him I did not know how much longer Christ we tarry His coming but we need to win souls for HIM, we need to be vigilant in spreading the Good News that Jesus saves all who come to HIM, "For whosoever calls upon My name shall be saved". "He that comes to Me I will in no wise cast out". The old man just replied quietly and with a tear in his eye,"Amen".

This talk lasted nearly 15 minutes. The entire inside of restaurant was at a stand still. All the inside customers had put down their meals, the wait staff had stopped working, until one did say the drive through was backing up. You see this old man was very hard of hearing I had to speak loudly for him to hear. The end results were everyone in the restaurant heard the Good News of how Jesus saves. I learned I am truly not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation.

My prayer is someone there who heard had the conviction of God's Holy Spirit upon them and gave their life to Jesus Christ. I may be a criminal to some for promoting the Gospel, so be it, I will never quit! I love my King my Jesus.


How To Get Free Samples By Mail Easily

How To Get Free Samples By Mail Easily

You know the saying, "nothing in life is ever free"? I have to disagree. You can get free samples by mail every single week and not pay a dime. In fact, you can get free full size products, books, computer programs, and more. For this article, we'll just stick to samples. First we'll talk about why companies would spend so much money to send people free stuff, and then we'll cover how you can get in on the action. You may wonder, why would I want just a sample? I'll tell you a few ideas you can use the samples for as well.

So, why would companies spend money to send out thousands of free samples, not charge shipping, and seemingly get nothing out of it? It's simple... it's advertising. If they can get you to try the product, you may come back and buy full size products. Not only that, you'll brag to your friends about the products, and they'll become interested. The company is already set in a good light because they have given you something free, and people appreciate the chance to try before you buy. But isn't it a gamble to send out all of those free samples when the customer may in fact hate the product and not buy it? Yeah, but that is a chance the company is willing to take. Even negative advertising is advertising, and some people may try things just to see why their friends thought so poorly of it. Hey, it happens! What they are hoping though, is that you'll love it, tell all your friends, and that they'll have loyal customers for life.

How can you get in on these free samples? You have to know where to find them and sign up for them. Each week, tons of blogs list free samples by mail that you can sign up for. Some do a weekly round up and some list them as they find out about them. Anna & Essie does a Freebie Friday post with a list of the latest free samples by mail. So, get on the net and get to'll find lots of stuff you can get. When it comes in your mailbox it's really fun. Especially on days you get eight to ten in one day and you feel like it's a mini-Christmas. Do remember that each free sample campaign is while supplies last. Not every sign up program has the ability to cut the entry form off when the number of requests reach the limit. You will get some that you sign up for, and some you will never see. It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to start getting them once you start signing up. This may seem like a long time, but remember that if you're signing up every week, once those initial ones start, you'll be seeing them more and more often.

What types of free samples by mail can you expect? Shampoo, crackers and food, beauty products, you name it. You can do more with these than just use them yourself. If you have a friend getting married or going away on a special weekend, make him or her a little travel gift basket. If you travel a lot, you can use top name brand shampoos on your your trip rather than a little bottle that just says "shampoo" on it at the hotel. Give food samples to your kid's class for a variety snack time, or put the samples in your purse for when you're out with the kids. Tampon and pad samples are great for women on the go, they fit nicely in your purse and you'll have them when you need them (or your best pal does).

Whatever the reason or use, getting free samples by mail is fun and easy. Get started signing up today and four to six weeks from now, you'll have a mailbox full of fun!


Getting Your Kids to Be in Bed at the Right Time

Getting Your Kids to Be in Bed at the Right Time

One of the most tedious things about raising kids is getting them to be in bed at the right time. One will have to use a bit of cunning to make sure that they are always in the sheets by the right time.

There are some methods that people have been using for years that will work out for your kids as well. You will be able to steer clear of all the fighting and drama every night before bed.

There is no better way to start than by giving them a routine to follow while they are still very young. They will get used to the routine and even as they get older they will not stray from it.

For example, you must stabilize times by which certain things have to have been already completed. For example you should have given them their dinner at 6, have them bathed at 7 and brushed their teeth to be in bed at 8. Do not let their puppy eyes make you break these routines.

With time as the daily tasks keep building up, keep reviewing these times in a way that order and regular behavior still remains set. Take a look at homework for example.

Always make sure that they do not dilly dally with their homework just so that they can stay up late to do it. If you make it clear that all tasks must be finished before sunset then after dark they will have no reason why not to go to bed.

The biggest distraction for young kids is television. By all means, avoid putting a TV in their room until they are old enough to learn to keep their routines even with distractions.

Time after time the above methods have worked for other people so there is no reason why they should not work for you. All you have to do is practice some patience and stay disciplined and so will they.


Teaching Your Children the Value of Humanity

Teaching Your Children the Value of Humanity

The world's greatest value comes from having humanity. Humanity comes from the children who grow up to be the next generation and the cycle continues. This is why one must take uttermost care of their child because they are taking care of the next generation, the future.

We all know that the world is a busy place and it gets busier by the minute. One must prioritize in a way that their child becomes the center of their busy life and not just a tiny part of it.

This may sound very hard to do but the easiest way to do it is to incorporate them into the things that you already love doing. If you love going out on long drives then take them along with you. Whatever your pass time may be (positive only) try and bring them into it.

You will once in a while encounter the problem of different tastes. Just because you love doing something does not mean that your child will too. Have an open mind and try something else that you love if the first one strikes out.

If you keep going down the list of things you love doing, eventually you will come across something that you can both bond over.

If the list of activities you love do not appeal too much to your child, the world is full of activities you can both discover together. Even though your child may suggest activities that you never really found appealing, just make sure that you give it a try with them.

You do not have to be over enthusiastic about the activity but you do not have to be bland either. What would hurt them the most is if you decide to fake it and pretend that you really love the activity. One day they will find out you are a hoax. It's just the effort that you will do it with them that matters.

All that they ask of you is that you do something with them. Do not just walk past them daily by the television saying "hi".' Put them as the focus of your life.

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