Letter to My Foster Daughter
Letter to My Foster Daughter
I know life has been hard. You have been shuffled around from home to home, some homes better than others. As I have always said to you, "It takes lemons to make lemon aid."
Unless you get a scholarship for foster children, your college dreams may not manifest in the beginning, yet that is no reason to give up. Online courses, junior college, college at night, are all acceptable options.
Working a part-time or even a full-time job while preparing for your future is OK. It doesn't mean that is where you will be in 5 years. You are at a disadvantage because you are missing the help of parents which your friends take for granted.
The state (most states) stops your financial support at age 18, that is why I am writing this letter, to give you a head start.
Earning a Living
Earning a good living is easy, if you know which path to take. Being a tax accountant has helped me to help you. Those who do consistently well, without a college degree regardless of the economy, are those who provide the essentials in life, such as food, coffee and drink!
Daycare is another option. Obtain the necessary credits and experience the growth of children ages 2 through 5. This is a wonderful way to stabilize your own growth.
The job you worked while in high school, ask if you can continue on, with more hours, while you attend college?
Stay focused, no matter what happens, and remember, the building blocks, it takes time and committment.
Dating & Men
Men are a gift from the heavens above. Yet not all men can be trusted. I know you realize this because of your own father's behavior. If you remember to forgive the men who misbehave badly, they will never be the center of your attention.
Men have a habit of stealing your energy. You job, is to stay focused. Be nice to everyone, yet trust very few. Do as I say, not as I did. Stay calm, think things through before you make a statement, or take action. You will like yourself much better.
When the man for you comes into your life. You will know it. There will be very little doubt. Love has it ups and downs, but is never hard.
Limit the personal and private information you put online. If a guy discusses your date online, dump him, without a second thought.
Cosmetics & Fashion
Purchase your cosmetics at the drug store until you can do better. Purchase a "set of clothing," which you can match up to create different looks. It is important to buy good shoes, your feet will have to carry you for the rest of your life, taking care of your feet is more of a self-love than anything else.
Confidence In Yourself
I know it may be hard for you to feel good about yourself, when the two people you loved so much walked away from your precious life. Attitude is everything. Get over it! Stuff happens. You are a wonderful, one of a kind individual, who has the ability to make your life work. Don't spend time in the past, learn how to forgive, it will set you free. Be the very best that you can be, learn, read, study, concentrate on an important task. Do your best, and your confidence will increase.
With these words, I send you out into the world. May the Grace of Heaven, protect you and keep you.