Five Best Energy Saving Gadgets
Five Best Energy Saving Gadgets
One of the most beneficial things we can do to help the environment is to save energy. Energy saving not only reduces the amount of carbon being pumped into the atmosphere, adding to climate change, but it can also save us money too.
While there are many changes we can make to our lives to help reduce energy consumption... using public transport, ensuring our homes are properly insulated, turning lights off around the home... there are many eco friendly devices that can add to our energy saving attempts:
Energy Saving Light Bulb
One of the best ways to save energy and money is to replace the traditional filament light-bulbs with energy saving ones. As lighting is one of the most frequent and high energy requirements to our home, the accumulative savings of energy saving bulbs can be quite high - both in financial and environmental.
Radiator Panels
These inexpensive and easy to fit reflective radiator panels can really make a difference to the effectiveness of you radiators. They bounce the heat coming from the rear of the radiator back into the room boosting heating by up to 30 percent; come winter time radiator panels can make a big difference to heating costs.
Solar Powered Charger
With so many of us dependent on gadgets and gizmos, a solar powered charger can save us having to recharge all those MP3 players, Phones and PDA's from the mains. Even devices like laptops can be recharged by a solar powered charger - they also allow you to recharge on the move, something a mains charger won't let you do.
Standby Savers
Many of us have devices around the home that don't seem to turn off - TV's, DVD players, set-top boxes, computers, routers, and a whole host of other appliances still consume power even when we are not using them. These standby saving devices and powersafe adapters can make quite an accumulative difference, especially considering the power usage of modern large screen plasma and LCD televisions.
Electricity Monitor
Whilst not strictly an energy saving gadget, monitoring where you are wasting electricity and what devices are consuming the most power can help you reduce energy use and save money. Waste and inefficiency is just money down the drain.