Tabletop Water Fountains to Help You Sleep, Relax and Concentrate
Tabletop Water Fountains to Help You Sleep, Relax and Concentrate
The sound of water has always been a source of comfort to me. Now, after having lived in Hawaii for a few years, I can't live without it. Every day I would walk down to the ocean for yoga and meditation. Sitting on the sand, looking out to the distant horizon, it's so easy to find your place in the universe. It gives you a feeling of oneness with yourself and with the world. The ocean has heard my deepest thoughts. Whether it's the breaking of waves or the trickle of a stream, hearing water always soothes my soul.
Now that I'm in a rather landlocked area, I've had to find a replacement. Of course, it's impossible to ever truly replace the majestic Pacific Ocean, but I've actually managed to discover some viable alternatives. Fountains of all kinds are wonderful ways to integrate the peaceful flow of water into your home or office, but many are too large to even consider. Enter tabletop water fountains.
Along with my yoga and meditation practice, I've started to investigate traditional Chinese medicine. I've gone to an acupuncturist a few times, and before she even starts the treatment, I always find myself releasing tension I didn't know I had, and I'm positive it's due to the environment that she has created in her office. There is peaceful instrumental music playing quietly, soothing scents like lavender in the air, and a tabletop water fountain trickling in the corner. In traditional Chinese medicine, water is a symbol of fluidity, of "going with the flow," and fountains are great reminders of this.
Tabletop water fountains come in all sorts of designs and sizes, so everyone can find exactly what suits them best. Personally, I love any that involve bamboo - I find it to be another reminder of Hawaii, as well as a staple of many yoga studios, so it is yet another relaxing element. There are fountains of rock in every form and structure, from stacked straight on top of each other to delicate patterns to natural-looking formations. These tend to emit more of a trickling sound reminiscent of the creek behind your childhood home or your favorite old fishing spot. Waterfall fountains provide a more constant sound, the rushing flow providing a calm, but not distracting, background. I'm also partial to cascading fountains, where the water falls from level to level; I often find myself entranced by them, watching them for minutes at a time. Whatever your style, there are tabletop water fountains to fit both your aesthetic and aural specifications.
With the convenient size of tabletop water fountains, it's easy to create a relaxing space in your home or office. They're not too heavy, and can easily be carried by one person. Fountains have always been a popular addition to gardens and yards, but if you live in an area with harsh winters you're not able to use them for 4-6 months of the year. These smaller, indoor fountains let you enjoy the peaceful sound and sight all year long.
Not only are fountains wonderful tools for sleep and relaxation, they can also greatly help concentration. I need peace and quiet while I'm studying, but complete silence can be just as distracting as a television. Fountains produce just enough sound to fill the silence, but the repetitiveness of the sound keeps them from being a distraction.
When you're debating which tabletop water fountain to buy, consider what purpose it will have in your home; is it to be a centerpiece for meditation or should it fade into the background? Where will you put it? Should it be more wide or more tall? What fits with your style and won't look outdated in a year or two?
Tabletop water fountains are perfect additions to bedrooms, offices, or anywhere you could use a little more peace. Let them clear from your mind the business of the day and melt away tension. Even as I write this, there is a fountain gushing away to my right, and it brings with it the thought of a cool summer breeze and fireflies dancing in the air.