Teaching Your Children the Value of Humanity
Teaching Your Children the Value of Humanity
The world's greatest value comes from having humanity. Humanity comes from the children who grow up to be the next generation and the cycle continues. This is why one must take uttermost care of their child because they are taking care of the next generation, the future.
We all know that the world is a busy place and it gets busier by the minute. One must prioritize in a way that their child becomes the center of their busy life and not just a tiny part of it.
This may sound very hard to do but the easiest way to do it is to incorporate them into the things that you already love doing. If you love going out on long drives then take them along with you. Whatever your pass time may be (positive only) try and bring them into it.
You will once in a while encounter the problem of different tastes. Just because you love doing something does not mean that your child will too. Have an open mind and try something else that you love if the first one strikes out.
If you keep going down the list of things you love doing, eventually you will come across something that you can both bond over.
If the list of activities you love do not appeal too much to your child, the world is full of activities you can both discover together. Even though your child may suggest activities that you never really found appealing, just make sure that you give it a try with them.
You do not have to be over enthusiastic about the activity but you do not have to be bland either. What would hurt them the most is if you decide to fake it and pretend that you really love the activity. One day they will find out you are a hoax. It's just the effort that you will do it with them that matters.
All that they ask of you is that you do something with them. Do not just walk past them daily by the television saying "hi".' Put them as the focus of your life.