Getting Your Kids to Be in Bed at the Right Time
Getting Your Kids to Be in Bed at the Right Time
One of the most tedious things about raising kids is getting them to be in bed at the right time. One will have to use a bit of cunning to make sure that they are always in the sheets by the right time.
There are some methods that people have been using for years that will work out for your kids as well. You will be able to steer clear of all the fighting and drama every night before bed.
There is no better way to start than by giving them a routine to follow while they are still very young. They will get used to the routine and even as they get older they will not stray from it.
For example, you must stabilize times by which certain things have to have been already completed. For example you should have given them their dinner at 6, have them bathed at 7 and brushed their teeth to be in bed at 8. Do not let their puppy eyes make you break these routines.
With time as the daily tasks keep building up, keep reviewing these times in a way that order and regular behavior still remains set. Take a look at homework for example.
Always make sure that they do not dilly dally with their homework just so that they can stay up late to do it. If you make it clear that all tasks must be finished before sunset then after dark they will have no reason why not to go to bed.
The biggest distraction for young kids is television. By all means, avoid putting a TV in their room until they are old enough to learn to keep their routines even with distractions.
Time after time the above methods have worked for other people so there is no reason why they should not work for you. All you have to do is practice some patience and stay disciplined and so will they.