How To Avoid aloneness
How To Avoid aloneness
Regardless of how old you are, where you live, or what you decide to do with your life, there are times when you will feel alone and alone in the world. Some people pick up hours at caregiver jobs and CNA jobs in order to meet new people and be around people that they can relate to. However, there are plenty of ways for people to get to acknowledge other people, have a lot of fun with their new friends, and get rid of the feeling of aloneness that is natural every once and a while.
First and foremost, you must understand why you are feeling alone and what you can do to combat that aloneness. Likewise, accept that feeling alone is simply a part of life sometimes and that no matter how often you have plans with your friends; there are times when you are going to be alone and somewhat sad and that it is not your fault, nor is it a particularly bad thing. By accepting that aloneness is natural, you can learn to figure out what triggers your aloneness and try to avoid those situations so that you feel alone less often, and you can also learn how to set aside your aloneness.
In the same sense, once your figure out what triggers your aloneness, figure out what the opposite of that situation would be. For instance, if you are alone when your family is away for the night, the opposite would be when your family is there with you and you are all enjoying each others presence. Knowing the other side keeps you hopeful for what you can achieve later through social interaction with other people or through inviting your family over later in the week to hang out with you. In this way, you can create several different kinds of social activities that your friends and family would love to be a part of and get rid of your feeling of aloneness.
Likewise, accept other peoples invitations if you expect them to accept yours and come to your social gatherings, etc. Great ways to hang out with your friends include exercising together, volunteering in your community, or going to a movie or out to dinner. Not only do these activities include your friends, but it also opens up the opportunity to make new friends and thereby decrease your chances of being alone to begin with. Go out of your way to talk to people, especially when they seem to be alone and perhaps alone themselves, because you never acknowledge who would end up being your good friend.
In the end, being alone is something that cannot be entirely avoided because it would be impossible to be around people all the time, every second of the day. However, the time spent being alone and sad can definitely be cut down and social interaction, even with strangers and people you do not acknowledge well, is shown to be healthy not only physically but also mentally and spiritually.