Watch For Cycles & Patterns
Watch For Cycles & Patterns
If you had access to a chronicled record of your thought patterns, emotional cycles, and your personal responses to the environmental conditioning you have received in your life, would you find it valuable? How would having a tool such as this be beneficial to various aspects of your life? For example, how would it help you to make tough decisions? How would it affect your determination to never again make that detrimental mistake you made that you regret? Would it enable you to make choices for your future that were better for you than if you didn't have this record?
Astrology, in an overwhelming number of aspects of the science, is the study of individual behaviour patterns or cycles that repeat themselves. All you need to answer all the questions above is a birth chart. A birth chart, sometimes called a natal chart, is a graph depicting the position of the astrological houses and planets in the sky at the very moment of your birth. To obtain this chart you need the date, exact time, and exact place of your birth.
Proper analysis of your chart is quite revealing, and can lead you in recognizing your personal patterns and cycles of life, love, and work. In the past decade psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, and other professionals are using astrology to pinpoint certain personality traits that are causing a person difficulty in life. Many life coaches are using astrology to help people recognize when they are in a proverbial rut, and encouraging them to pay attention to certain triggers in their actions that are causing them to feel stuck.
On your individual birth chart, the sun sign (the sign based on the date you were born) and ascendant (or rising) sign will reveal the patterns of your mind; the moon nodes will show you about conditioning; and the moon sign will expose your emotional responses or reactions.
Let us look at some examples by categorizing them within the elements. In each astrological sign there is a ruling planet. If the predominant planet of a sign is in a "stressed aspect" and is located in water, this person is sure to need to refine their emotional responses, reactions, and disciplines, as they would be considered very "Emo."
If the plant of another is stressed within a fire sign, self cantered and impulsive behaviour needs to be modified. The need to become more sensitive, loving, and develop a higher level of patience is absolutely necessary. When in an air sign, a stressed plant will cause an individual to discipline their mind and thoughts to produce clarity and reduce erratic thinking. This includes how thoughts are communicated to others.
And finally, if it is the earth sign that the stressed planet is caught, there is entirely too much attachment to the physical realm in the form of materialism. Obviously there are security issues to deal with.
Learning to recognize these patterns and cycles, and adjusting accordingly, can drastically improve your situation and position in life.