A Comprehensive Guide for Watering Orchids
A Comprehensive Guide for Watering Orchids
Watering orchids is one of the most important aspects of providing good care for your orchids and will insure that they stay healthy and bloom with beautiful flowers. This is an easy task, but you should know how much water they require and how often to water them.
When watering orchids, the first thing to check is the quality of your water. This is very important in achieving well-grown, healthy orchids. Never use polluted water or place your orchids in an open location during periods of frequent rain. Your orchids may get over watered and die.
The best water to use for watering orchids is that which was processed through a reverse osmosis system, a system that removes most of the minerals unnecessary for consumption. However, it is alright to use rain water because it is less acidic, containing a PH factor ranging from 6.4 to 6.8. Also, you can use tap water or well water, but these sources are only acceptable if their mineral salt content is less than 120 parts per million or PPM. Do not use hard water, because it contains above 120 PPM and that can form deposits on the leaves of your orchids. If you do use hard water for watering orchids, periodically clean the leaves with distilled water.
After determining the water quality, the next thing to consider is how to water your plants. This depends on the pot in which they are planted. If your orchids are placed in small pots, frequent watering is needed, but when they are placed in large pots, once a week is usually sufficient. Also, remember that different components and sizes of pots will dry out at different rate. Clay pots evaporate more water than plastic pots, and clay orchid pots will dry out faster than the usual clay pots. Consider also the room conditions and temperature.
Now that you know how to water your orchids depending on their pots, you must also know when and how you will water them during different seasons. When it is a sunny season, always water your orchids during sunny days because evaporation takes place fast resulting in immediate drying of your plants. During the rainy season, however, allow 2-3 days from the day you previously watered your plants before watering them again. Watering orchids at night or very early in the morning during rainy seasons is highly dangerous for your orchids. This is because some may remain between the leaves of your plant and, along with the cool temperature, will create conditions for bacteria to grow.
The PH and nutrients are also great influences in the growth of your orchids, but this is only a part of the watering issue. The fertilizing and watering process must provide the nutrients needed by the orchids, and they must be at the right PH levels.
But even if you adhere to these guidelines you can still make some mistakes. These common mistakes include watering them too much and too often, watering at night and ignoring the plants' indications. These things must be avoided.
When watering orchids, the first thing to check is the quality of your water. This is very important in achieving well-grown, healthy orchids. Never use polluted water or place your orchids in an open location during periods of frequent rain. Your orchids may get over watered and die.
The best water to use for watering orchids is that which was processed through a reverse osmosis system, a system that removes most of the minerals unnecessary for consumption. However, it is alright to use rain water because it is less acidic, containing a PH factor ranging from 6.4 to 6.8. Also, you can use tap water or well water, but these sources are only acceptable if their mineral salt content is less than 120 parts per million or PPM. Do not use hard water, because it contains above 120 PPM and that can form deposits on the leaves of your orchids. If you do use hard water for watering orchids, periodically clean the leaves with distilled water.
After determining the water quality, the next thing to consider is how to water your plants. This depends on the pot in which they are planted. If your orchids are placed in small pots, frequent watering is needed, but when they are placed in large pots, once a week is usually sufficient. Also, remember that different components and sizes of pots will dry out at different rate. Clay pots evaporate more water than plastic pots, and clay orchid pots will dry out faster than the usual clay pots. Consider also the room conditions and temperature.
Now that you know how to water your orchids depending on their pots, you must also know when and how you will water them during different seasons. When it is a sunny season, always water your orchids during sunny days because evaporation takes place fast resulting in immediate drying of your plants. During the rainy season, however, allow 2-3 days from the day you previously watered your plants before watering them again. Watering orchids at night or very early in the morning during rainy seasons is highly dangerous for your orchids. This is because some may remain between the leaves of your plant and, along with the cool temperature, will create conditions for bacteria to grow.
The PH and nutrients are also great influences in the growth of your orchids, but this is only a part of the watering issue. The fertilizing and watering process must provide the nutrients needed by the orchids, and they must be at the right PH levels.
But even if you adhere to these guidelines you can still make some mistakes. These common mistakes include watering them too much and too often, watering at night and ignoring the plants' indications. These things must be avoided.