Hatteras Hammocks - Rocking You to a More Relaxing Summer
Hatteras Hammocks - Rocking You to a More Relaxing Summer
Ah, a soft breeze blows across your face, bringing with it the soft scent of plumeria and salt water. A light buzz by your left ear announces the arrival of a Monarch butterfly. Your skin is getting to that point where it feels like the sun has soaked all the way through, and it's probably time to go inside, but you can't make yourself get up quite yet. The clouds are moving faster than they do at home, and you're enraptured. The lap of waves in the background invites you to sleep and dream of not-so-far-off places of palm trees and peace. Your hammock rocks gently in time with the waves and you're on an ancient canoe, sailing off to a new island.
It's a bright summer day, and when you close your eyes bright shapes dance on your eyelids. You reach down from your hammock to pick up your glass of lemonade, and the marks of your fingers on the chilly condensation make it look like etched glass. Your American flag is flapping in the breeze, and you have a red, white and blue fruit pizza chilling in the fridge for the neighborhood Indepence Day party. You can hear your kids laughing as they jump on the trampoline, and for a few moments, you know you've really found summer.
Out in the woods, the chipmunks are chattering to each other and the bonfire crackles as you watch it go out for the night. The smell of pine trees fills your nose, and your muscles have that wonderful ache that comes after a full day of hiking. Your fishing poles are ready to catch breakfast in the morning, but for now you are ready to enjoy a soothing night's rest-above the hard ground and rocks, no threat of water seeping under your sleeping bag.
No matter where you use them, hammocks make everything a little bit better; they're practically synonymous with summer, relaxation and tranquility. Whether on a Hawaiian vacation, a short break from working in your yard, or camping in the backwoods, a hammock gives you a little more peace, a little more solitude. (Unless, of course, you pile a few people into one, making for a fun little balancing game!)
Real relaxation, though, can't happen in any old hammock- harsh rope digging into your back, itchy fibers tickling your ankles or just never being able to find a comfortable position are all very real possibilities with a less-than-perfect hammock. Thankfully, other people have had these problems, too, so they created Hatteras Hammocks.
Hatteras Hammocks gently cradle you, so any position is a comfortable position. They are made from DuraCord rope, which is weaved into a special double-latch design, eliminating any chance of oddly placed cord. They are equipped with spreader bars on each end so you don't have to go through any awkward contortions getting in or out, and you don't have to worry about getting all twisted up in it. The bars are also very well protected against the weather, including harsh coastal climates where we'd all like to be resting in a hammock. The hardware is specifically designed to resist rust, and the slight 14 pounds of hammock can support up to 450 pounds of weight!
Hatteras Hammocks are at the forefront of hammock innovation, as is the DuraCord rope used for them. DuraCord is a superior performance yarn that is crafted into a baby-blanket-soft rope. It is fade resistant for up to 1,000 hours of UV, which is more than an entire summer of constant sunlight. It is also stain and moisture resistant, drying almost immediately. They have a tighter weave, so nothing gets stuck while you're getting in or out, and the spreader bars give it extra stability.
So let go for a bit. Forget about the papers on your desk and the little voicemail icon on your cell phone. They'll still be there when you get back, but you will be in a much better frame of mind to deal with them after a rest in your hammock. While it rocks you, all your worries and stress seem to get rocked into a much more manageable state. When you're relaxed enough to notice the sweet song of the bird in your apple tree, you are able to realize that that's what life is about-noticing the small, beautiful, everyday things. And for some reason, those things are much more noticeable from your spot in a hammock.